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The IUCRC Program

The National Science Foundation’s Industry–University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) program brings together academia, industry, and government to collaborate on fundamental pre-competitive research at participating university sites. Center research directions are driven by the needs and interests of the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), comprised of industry and government members who have paid a membership fee. Through support from NSF, the IUCRC model requires that 90% of the membership fee be allocated to the direct costs of research projects (i.e., maximum overhead rate is 10%). The consortium funding model leverages NSF support and membership fees to efficiently operate the Center and fund research projects with high value to IAB members. The program also makes it possible for industry and government partners to identify and recruit top university research talent and to create a pipeline for training a diverse, skilled workforce.

Learn more about the IUCRC program here.

Image Credit: NSF