Center Kick-Off Meeting: February 18-19, 2025
The Kick-Off Meeting of the Center is a two-day meeting that will be held at the USC Campus in Los Angeles in February 18-19, 2025. The Kick-Off Meeting will bring together the Center faculty and researchers, the current and prospective IAB members, as well as the NSF representatives to review and select a set of proposed projects that are responsive to the priority needs of the current IAB members. For questions related to the Kick-Off Meeting and joining the Center IAB, please contact the Center Director Behnam Jafarpour or the PSU Site Director Sanjay Srinivasan.
Center Planning Meeting: September 12-13, 2023
The Planning Meeting for the CO2-SMART Center was held on September 12-13, 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to get industry feedback about the Center research directions and thrusts areas to best serve the shared needs of the industry members. The Planning Meeting also introduced prospective members to the format of the Center annual IAB meetings, starting with the kick-off meeting in February. The industry feedback were incorporated into a Phase I Center proposal, which was awarded by NSF in June 2024.
Some pictures from the CO2-SMART Planning Meeting in September 2023.